

  • n. 汉堡包(等于hamburger)
  • n. (Burger)人名;(西)布尔赫尔;(法)比尔热;(英)伯格;(德、罗、捷、塞、匈)布格尔


Pay a little more upfront for your beer or burger.


To help quantify ( ' , 量化 ) the costs of a poor diet, I recently tried to estimate this impact in terms of a most famous food, the burger ( ' , 汉堡包 ).


I concluded that the profit from burgers is more than offset ( ' , 抵消 ) by the damage they cause in health problems and environmental harm.


Burger King, the nation's second-largest fast food chain, for instance, will stop automatically including French fries and soda in its kids' meals starting this month, although they will still be available.


Speed, of course, is essential to the drive-through experience, and drive-throughs are hugely important to chains such as McDonald's, Burger king and Taco Bell.

2018年6月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

To help quantify the costs of a poor diet, I recently tried to estimate this impact in terms of a most famous food, the burger.

2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B